Erroneous flag values

Incident Report for Flagsmith


Summary of the issue

Following a release of the Core API at 10:35 UTC, a regression was introduced which meant that the generated environment document contained erroneous flag values for those flags which had recent change requests that had not been committed (and potentially deleted). Since the environment document is used to generate the flags for the Edge API and SDKs running in local evaluation this meant that certain customers using these methods to evaluate their flags would have received erroneous flag values. In this situation, the flag values served were those that were included in the uncommitted change requests.

Resolution steps

At 17:20 UTC we were notified of this issue by a customer that was affected by the erroneous values. At 17:59 UTC the issue was identified and a fix was being developed. This fix was fully developed and released by 19:10 UTC and all affected environments were regenerated by 19:30 UTC.

The PR for the fix can be found here for those interested in reviewing further.

Next steps / preventative measures

In order to prevent these steps in the future we plan to expand our end-to-end testing suite to further cover our change requests workflows so that we can identify these issues earlier.

Posted Jul 05, 2023 - 10:18 UTC


Customer reports of erroneous flag values being served in local evaluation mode.
Posted Jul 04, 2023 - 10:30 UTC